Wednesday, July 27

...And it Feels So Good

Eleven Days. It used to be that eleven days was a pretty short stretch for us to go without seeing each other. This time last year, when we were on opposite coasts, we'd say goodbye on Sunday, and if there was only one weekend between us and the next Friday when we'd meet, we were psyched!! Nowadays, after half-a-year on the road together, eleven days is an eternity, wrapped in an epoch, inside a long-ass time.

But it made our reunion so so sweet. Meg braved a 20-hour layover in the Cairo airport (and looked like she had just braved a 20-hour layover) to fly into Kenya at 5am last Saturday. Rahul braved a 4:30 wake-up alarm (and looked like he had just woken up at 4:30 am) and a cab ride through the streets of Nairobi to get to the arrival hall of the airport just in time. There were funny hats, there was a racy version of Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here" played on travel guitar, and there was much love in the air. It's good to be back...together.

--meg and rahul


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