Saturday, July 23

Momma Pearson Speaks

Our greatest treasures, Meg, Dunagan, and Philip (whose 23rd b-day is today! HB, Phil!) agreed to go to Italy with John and me. The initial plan was Egypt, but John and I gently suggested Italy. And, oh yes, Rahul Young only added to the fantastic mix. :) To reach this point in life, where our adult children still like (or so it seems) to hang with us, is such a compliment. I only hope that we can continue to have these extraordinary adventures. Growing older is all about creating memories, cherishing our children, and appreciating our good health and good fortune.

We didn't have any idea that Amalfi would offer such an ideal venue for a Pearson vacation. Everything worked: our flat (129 steps up!), being able to explore various sites at a leisurely pace, and even cramming in six hours of sightseeing and dinner in Rome at the end! I still find myself thinking about what we were doing this time a month ago. How could it already be over a month that we arrived?! I, like Dunagan, have looked at our pictures soooo many times. I loved our long lunches, our roof-terrace dinners (yes, Italian vacations do revolve around food!), the hilarious games of Celebrity, the APRONS they gave us for Parents' Day, the songs they made up. I could go on and on. It makes me happy and sad at the same time that one week can be fleeting and so incredibly meaningful. I want to do it all over again!

And now Meg has already finished her rotation in Asmara and is off to Kenya. Be safe, Meggie!

In another month, we'll all be together again making fools out of ourselves in some karaoke bar in Manhattan. Not exactly Amalfi, but hey--we'll be there! More memories. That's what it's all about.

- Mommacita


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