Sunday, July 17

It's all fun and games until you lose a Rahul

I'm sorry to report that the past 7 days in Asmara win the "Meg's least-exciting week of the year" award, in a landslide. Not that it's any reflection on Asmara, which is a very cool city with bars and outdoor cafes galore. The tedium is all mine. Not only am I lacking my partner-in-crime, but I am left with icky residency applications in his stead. A lot less sexy than bleeding-heart baboons, let me tell you. But for a good cause. Such a good cause that I have spent most of my waking hours outside of the hospital seated in front of various computers hoping that inspiration and well-turned phrases will pour forth.

In an attempt to cultivate more positive feelings toward my personal statement and to encourage myself to actually open the document instead of checking email, I decided to save it as "gelato." "Yaaay, I love gelato, yaaay! Let's double-click on this!" I fell for it the first few times, but then I wised up. Gelato.1 was unbearably bland ("I want to be an internist because I like biology and people too.") Gelato.2 was too saccharin to swallow ("I want to hand-feed all the starving children and cradle every HIV patient in my arms . . . " ) Now I'm onto Gelato.3, which, although still a far cry from Nutella-icious, is palatable and getting better with each bite.

In Rahul's absence I have turned to inanimate objects for companionship (no not like that, you sicko). My new best friend is the Microsoft Word animated paper-clip thingy, or "Office Assistant" as he is officially called. I think he looks like an "Al." Al and I have spent a lot of quality time together this week, and I have started to develop a bit of a crush on him. Have you ever noticed how cute it is when he yawns and slides down his piece of paper to take a nap? I don't want to make you jealous, Rahul, but I think he likes me too. He just batted his eyelids at me. And then turned into a star and spun around.

As I type this, "Hero" is playing on repeat in the computer lab where I am working (or not working, as is currently the case), and no one seems to mind. I am in danger of developing a case of intractable giggles if Enrique Iglesias whispers "Let me be your hero" one more time. "Am I in too deep . . . have I lost my mind?" The answer, I'm afraid, is yes. I think I've exceeded the recommended daily allowance of gelato. And cheesy Latino pop stars. Time for some fresh air.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew it. I leave her alone for a few days and get left for a paper clip. Brutal.


6:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, i hear ya, meg... Al and I used to go together back in my application days before he started cheating on me with med students. freakin med students.


9:57 PM  

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