Wednesday, December 14

The Difficult Decisions that One Faces on the Road

One of the most striking things about travelling in Mexico is how gorgeous the buses are. Seriously. After a few months in Guatemala and Honduras, where the infamous ¨chicken buses¨--converted American school buses packed with four people (and yes, the occasional chicken) to each two-seater bench seat--rule the road, Mexico`s buses are luxury incarnate. Reclining seats, foot rests, Steven Seagal movies, and even, gasp, bathrooms on board. No longer do you have to make that unfortunate decision to either dehydrate yourself or face the possibility of riding on a four-hour bumpy road while you tightly cross your legs and pray for a bathroom stop.

Instead, in Mexico, you get to decide whether to try to stand up and pee while the bus hurtles down the highway and might just possibly take a turn hard and send you hurtling through the door with your pants down because you forgot to lock it properly, or to sit down and pee and therefore emasculate yourself. There are no easy answers.



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