Thursday, December 8

Baby, It Ain´t Over Yet

Right now, Meg´s in Texas shopping for an interview suit and hopefully feasting on baby carrots and hummus. And I´m starting to get emails mourning the end of TMTTV, as one of our most faithful readers graciously dubs it. Hey! I´m still in Mexico! It´s exotic. There´s still lots of brown people around. The risk of explosive diarrhea still looms. And we´ve still got buttloads of photos and stories and deep, profound, life-changing insights to share! So don´t go leaving us just yet, allright? Especially now that my partner in crime and favorite editor in the world isn´t around to put the kibosh on my worst tendencies toward sickeningly flowery language, overuse of apostrophes and parentheticals, and unnecessarily casual grammar, I´m gonna start getting really crazy. This blog is going to have more almost-but-not-quite endings than a Lord of the Rings movie. We´ve got stories from Detroit we´re still grilling up, we´ve got our ¨100 (or whatever number it ends up being) Best Photos of the Trip¨ and don´t even get me started on what´s gonna happen in 2006 when I move to Oregon and become a cowboy. We´re addicted. We´re just getting started.

But then, superego temporarily overcomes id: Actually, feel free to stop reading whenever you want. The fact that anyone ever looked at this thing makes us happy.



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