Monday, January 3


We fly in 4 hours and our creative juices were sapped away by mundane tasks like calculating how many pairs of underwear we need for a year (answer: 3, that's 3 total, we're sharing). Thus, we have asked our dear friend Kimmy to compose a haiku to celebrate our departure. Kimmy, hit it:

Adventure is nigh
The great blue world beckons us
We are off! Stay tuned...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a sec -- Jon and I gave you FOUR pairs of underwear before you left. So what happened to the last pair? Meg, does it have anything to do with your "food poisoning"? Or Rahul, perhaps you had a little accident after attempting to follow the sage advice of Carol Z in "Bend Over Boyfriend"? I'm quite sure you wouldn't have left for a perilous around-the-world trip without ticking off that last box on the checklist. Well no matter what the cause, you really should have brought that last pair -- they're quite easy to wash.


P.S. If you didn't want any comments this nasty, you shouldn't have mentioned underwear. Actually, if you didn't wnat any nasty comments, you shouldn't have created a blog at all. I expect much worse in the months to come...

11:50 AM  

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